Earth Day Celebration 22/04/22

Every year 'Earth Day' is celebrated on 22nd April with joy and verve to spread awareness among people regarding its importance and need to conserve the planet. The day began with a morning assembly by the Primary Wing which was dedicated to sharing thoughts and resolutions to protect Mother Earth. The students of class III decorated the class with paintings and plants. Class IV students displayed their creative skills by making boxes for pencil shaving with used plastic bottles and cardboards. Class V made beautiful posters with catchy slogans dedicated to our planet. The celebration continued with a special assembly by the students of class VII A emphasising on the need to make our planet a better place to live in. This year's theme was 'Invest in Our Planet'.


The event began with a speech wherein Avni expatiate on the importance of celebrating this day. The poem 'Dharti ki Pukar' by Munishka was a plea to listen to the unheard voices of our planet and to understand the exigency of conserving it. Measures that could be taken by the students to save earth were presented through a short skit. Students took pledge to protect our Earth and make everyday 'The Earth Day'. The melodious song "Save Our Planet" highlighted the message to save and protect  the earth from any harm so as to keep it green for our future generations.

The School Principal, Ms Sheena Yadav praised the efforts and hardwork of the students and in her address reinforced the urgency of taking action in protecting our planet from further damage. 

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