Rashtriya Poshan Maah 01/09/21 to 30/09/21

Rashtriya Poshan Maah was celebrated during the month of September 2021 to empower the students with the knowledge of nutrition. POSHAN assemblies were organised in virtual and physical mode to discuss malnutrition, its impact on society and the value of a healthy and balanced diet.

A special online PTM was also conducted to make the parents aware about the same and to disseminate information about the importance of nutrition. They were also informed about the relationship of nutrition with physical and mental health. A plethora of theme based activities like preparing healthy food, poster and collage making, e - quiz etc. were undertaken for focused and assimilated approach towards improving holistic nutrition. A special plantation drive was organised in the School Nutrition (Kitchen) Garden to make the students aware of the importance of growing and eating fresh vegetables.

To help the students imbibe a sense of responsibility, inclusion and volunteerism, they were encouraged to share a nutritious meal with at least one child from the underprivileged sections of the society living in their neighbourhood.

The celebration of ‘Rashtriya Poshan Maah’ made the students understand that good nutrition helps them to grow properly and gives them strength to play and learn.

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