Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav (4.12.24-11.12.24)

As per CBSE Circular No. 103, our school organised Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav from 4.12.2024 to 11.12. 2024. The students of Classes 1-IX participated in this Utsav. A Special Assembly was conducted by the students of Classes VII- IX on 6-12-2024, on the theme 'Nature and Environment'. Suhani of Class vill recited a Hindi poem and Manshika of Class VIll delivered a speech on Nature and Environment.
Posters and slogans were made by the students of V and VI in different languages, on the same theme.
On 9.12. 2024, the students of Classes I-IV made a 'Language Tree’ depicting various Indian Languages. They also brought food items of different states of India, which they shared with each other.
On 10.12.2024, students of Classes I-IV came to school in the attire of different States. This showed 'Unity in Diversity', which is being promoted by the 'Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav'. 
On the whole, the festival of Indian languages was celebrated with enthusiasm by all students.

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