Green Day and Earth Day Celebration - 22/04/2019

“The earth has music for those who listen” – Shakespeare

To create awareness about the declining condition of our Mother Earth, we celebrated Green Colour Day and Earth Day on 22nd April, 2019 in the school premises. The tiny tots of classes Nursery, L.K.G and U.K.G came dressed in green colour representing different plants and animals to appreciate the uniqueness of our blue planet. These children recited rhymes showcasing their love for nature. Students of classes I and II depicted the importance of Mother Earth and how we must respect her to cherish the life bestowed by her , through their poem and song presentations. This was followed by role – plays that were performed by the students depicting the importance of trees for sustaining life. To make children aware of the importance of recycling of waste “Best Out Of Waste” activity was also organized. The children showed their innovative skills by using cardboard, plastic bottles, ear buds, wedding cards, disposed off CDs, etc. to form beautiful photo frames, pen holders, envelope, wall hangings, etc. The children were very enthusiastic about this celebration and contributed whole – heartedly. The event concluded with a strong message – stop polluting the Earth and follow Reduce, Reuse and Recycle regime.

“Love the Earth as you would love yourself ” -John Denver

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